What is News?

What is News?

News is designed to be positive messages to inspire people towards acts of kindness, compassion and charity. A News article can be a message, photo, video or link. Create News and inspire your community one time each day. 

You can follow others and view their News. 

Create News from the "Add News" link at the bottom of your home/dashboard page. Receive News by following other users. 

How do I create a News article?  

To create News, select the 'Add News' button on the bottom right of your home/dashboard page. From there, you can enter any text that you think will inspire others to be charitable. You can include links, videos, and photos. 

To add a photo, video, or link, select from one of the options in the upper right tab. When you are finished, you can select the 'Submit' button to post it.

Remember, you can only post once per day, so make sure you use it well.

Inspired button

If a user clicks the 'Inspired' button, this star-shaped button will fill in and the number next to that star will increase by 1, indicating that this user has been inspired by that News. 

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